Our product and services are especially effective for the disabled, and especially:
Motion Impaired
Dragon NaturallySpeaking® speech recognition software is used all over the world by people with RSI or OOS. The Professional version, in particular, can be fully customised to the individual needs of those unable to type, by using the built-in scripting language.
Vision Impaired
SpeechWare is also a distributor of Jawbones®, the innovative software that links Dragon NaturallySpeaking® with JAWS, one of the most popular screen reading packages for the blind. Besides, both categories of disabled can greatly benefit from another remarkable software package: OmniPage Pro 12®. Its latest version even incorporates a text-to-speech engine that will read virtually any digital file or text digitalised with a scanner, with a humanlike easy to understand voice!
European "pilot project"
However, in order to ascertain to what extent disabled people can benefit from commercially available technologies or whether these should be further customised to suit special needs, SpeechWare is currently organising a pan-European "pilot project". Should you run an entity devoted to the care and promotion of disabled people and be interested in either sponsoring, promoting or taking part in the project as a partner, please do contact as at information@speechware.be